Hey everyone!
This is kinda a new site for me. I was debating making an account here when I first started making my art/animations, but I finally went ahead and did it!
My plan for the Newgrounds ChickenWingJohnny account is to make more art focused posts. I'll post my models, and go a bit more in-depth about my experiences while making it. I might post my memes here, but it's more likely that you'll find those on my YouTube and Twitter.
What I'm going to do to achieve that is:
- Port my old artwork first, so that all of my accounts are synced.
- Then post new stuff alongside those other accounts.
Don't worry! I won't be posting anything new on those accounts until this one is up to date, which shouldn't take very long.
Final note: Some early animations contain copyrighted content, like a certain garlic bread scene from Scott Pilgrim vs. the World. While I won't be posting those (due to me being unsure of how the system works here), you can watch them on YouTube.
Until next time!
